
Biscoff Torta De Bolacha

Torta de bolacha is a Brazilian dessert that is really, really tasty. Often served as part of an ‘afternoon tea’ it consists of layers of soaked biscuits and a cream filling made of condensed milk; its a Brazilian version of a Tiramisu, basically. It usually uses “Maria” brand biscuits but almost any biscuit will do. I used Lotus Biscoff here because they’re bang in fashion, and also delicious!

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Serves: 8
Prep Time: 30 mins Cooking Time: 2 hours to chill


  • 1 tin of condensed milk
  • 6 teaspoons cornflower
  • 700ml of milk + extra for soaking the biscuits
  • 1 pack Lotus Biscoff biscuits, or your biscuit of choice!
  • 300ml double cream
  • Plain dark chocolate for grating



In a pan, pour the whole tin of condensed milk and 700ml of milk. Heat until it begins to bubble then add the cornflour, mixed with a little milk. Add a few teaspoons at a time until you get a mixture that is thickened to the consistency of porridge. Set aside to cool.


Whisk the double cream until stiff peaks form, but be careful not to over-mix.


When ready to assemble, put some milk in a bowl for dipping the biscuits.


Put a thin layer of the condensed milk mixture on the bottom of your dish. Give the biscuits a quick dip in the milk then arrange them in a layer.


Put a thicker layer of the condensed milk mixture and repeat the layers until you have used up your mix, probably two layers of biscuits, depending on the size and shape of your dish.


Top with the whipped cream and spread over evenly.


I top this with some grated dark chocolate and some crumbled biscuit dust.


Put in the fridge to chill for a few hours.


To serve, carefully remove some slices of the finished 'torta' and serve with a few biscuits on the side. Delicioso!


I haven't yet tried this with a non-dairy alternative but I think it should work in the same way. I used hazelnut milk for dipping the biscuits to get a bit more flavour in there. I added some caramel flavouring to the double cream before whipping. You can make these individually in glasses, large ramekins or on a plate using a ring to hold the shape until set.

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